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Water Damage Repair

What I am about to tell you will seem counter intuitive: if you drop your phone in water, the lake, the toilet, or a mug of beer, the first thing you should do is keep that phone submerged in water. Put it in a Tupperware container filled with water.

Why you ask? Corrosion on a motherboard does not begin until the liquid on your phone feels the air; the air is what starts the process. That is why sometimes, if you have ever dropped your phone in water, as soon as you pull it out, it can seem like everything works fine. No need to do anything, maybe just throw it in a bag of rice? Wrong. The rice will take the moisture off the outside of the device, however it does nothing for the important parts on the inside of the phone. Over the next week or so, your phone may start malfunctioning and can eventually stop working all together. The longer the phone is left to corrode, the higher the chances are that you may need to replace expensive parts, or worse yet, replace the whole phone. So the sooner you get it to a certified technician the better, and with our treatment, there is a good chance we can recover your phone.

As you can see, this circuit board was very badly corroded. However, the corrosion is white, so we know it was newer corrosion (older corrosion turns grey and green)

This is the same circuit board after our water damage treatment

This treatment involves more than a toothbrush and can take up to 24 hours to complete. With our success rate of fixing this type of damage and on most phones for only around $120, it doesn’t make sense to run out and buy a new phone. Plus, if we can’t fix it, we will charge you nothing.